Choose Ketamine Expands At-Home Ketamine Therapy Service to Five More States

Original press release published on PR Newswire September 1, 2022
Choose Ketamine is happy to announce that its wellness platform is expanding to provide more Americans with the vital mental health treatments they need from the comfort of their own home. The service area expansion is part of Choose Ketamine’s initiative to make the most affordable at home ketamine therapy available to as many people as possible.
Extensive research and hundreds of clinical studies have found ketamine treatments are safe and very effective at treating a variety of mental health disorders. There is a significant amount of research on the efficacy of ketamine therapy for treating depression and anxiety, including treatment-resistant depression. Some of the research has focused on at-home ketamine treatments, which were determined to be just as safe and effective as treatments at a clinic when a trained professional helps facilitate the process.
Right now Choose Ketamine health services are available to 34 million Americans across seven states. Patients can use the wellness platform to take an assessment and see if they qualify for ketamine treatments. If it’s determined that ketamine treatments are appropriate, then the patient will be connected with a healthcare provider who is qualified to prescribe the medication. Once the medication is delivered the patient can take ketamine troches at home under the supervision of a therapy guide.
Choose Ketamine currently operates in:
- Massachusetts
- Colorado
- Minnesota
- Washington
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- Iowa
The service area for Choose Ketamine is expanding significantly in the coming months. Soon at-home ketamine therapy from Choose Ketamine will be available in five additional states:
- California - ACTIVE as of October 2022
- Florida - ACTIVE as of November 2022
- Ohio - ACTIVE as of October 2022
- New Jersey - EXPECTED January 2023
- Texas - ACTIVE October 2022
Having the ability to take ketamine treatments at home can be a life-changing experience for anyone who is struggling to manage a mental health disorder. Expanding to these new states means that Choose Ketamine can extend its therapeutic services to almost 110 million Americans.
“Our goal is to help more people make transformative changes in their life that support mental health and wellbeing,” said Choose Ketamine CEO Mark Holland. “The best way we can accomplish that is by expanding our service area so that at-home ketamine treatment is available to more people. It’s the first step.”
Even if selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are available, about half of patients find no relief using them. It can also take 4+ weeks for SSRIs to take effect for the 50% of people that do find some relief. For others who are experiencing severe depression and suicidal ideations, that’s just too long. Because the effects of ketamine can be felt within hours of treatment, many medical professionals are advocating for ketamine therapy to be more widely available.
Choose Ketamine is proud of the high satisfaction rates with their at home ketamine treatments. In the coming months many more people will have access to our transformative therapy as Choose Ketamine makes its wellness platform available nationwide.